Sunday, February 26, 2012

Super Saturday

At 9 a.m. this morning, I was not expecting my saturday to include not one, but several experiences I would never forget. The day was full of first times, competition, and team work. Kennedy(Roommate/Best Friend) and I were picked up at 9 for breakfast with the three groups(4 people in each group) of competetors to discuss the rules of the game. We were given our envelope that included our list of things we had to accomplish. and had 30 minutes to gather things we would need and make our game plan. Here is our list of tasks with stories that go along with them.

Mandatory Tasks: Every team had to complete all 6 of these or the extra tasks and points would have resulted in an automatic disqualification.
 1. Make a U at the Y and a Y at the U. -first time to hike the Y. The hike up was difficult and on the way down I was thinking how easy it was and I thought to myself how I would so much rather hike down 100 times than up once. But without hiking up, the feeling of happiness and accomplishment was gone. Like life, its so much easier to fall in the easy path and "go down" but we are only happy temporarily."Going up" was difficult and we constantly had to push ourselves and be strong but when we got to the top, we felt such great happiness from our accomplishments.
2. Family/Team Photo. -we were the family of the basketball stars so we posed up after our bball game
3. For lunch, eat an item of food from 4 continents. -North America(McDonalds), Asia(hi-chews), Europe(German chocolate), South America(Argentina Dulce de luche) 
4. BYU halftime challenge. -layup, foul shot, three point, half court
5. Bring back a bottle of the Great Salt Lake Water. -the wind was CRAZZZYYY and we had to drive 30 minutes out of the way to collect our sample, but it was worth it because I had never been before.
6. Re-enact a scene from memory of one of the 11 movies listed. -we reenacted Rocky

Optional (Team with most points, WINS!)
1. Go Coning(1) -order an ice cream cone in a drive through and instead of grabbing it by the cone, grab it by the ice cream... the lady in the drive through was extremely ticked but it made us laugh.
2. 2 strikes bowling in a row(2) -we didn't do this one
3. Good, Better, Best game(3) -5 rounds, we ended with zebra duct tape
4. Get handcuffed by a police officer(3) -yep, Kennedy and I got arrested
5. Panhandle $5(3) -random guy gave me $5 it was awesome
6. Get an item from a claw machine(1) -I won on my first try
7. Pose with a mannequin(1) -we posed with the Limited Too mannequins
8. Kiss a stranger on the mouth(3) -I took one for the team... at least he was attractive.
9. Ride a cow, horse or pig(3) -didn't do this one either
10. Gallon challeng/Hugs challenge(3) -didn't do this one
11. Challenge stranger to a drag race(1) -we challenged an old man and he beat us
12. Run a mile(2) -our teammate Michael accomplished this for us
13. Chines fire drill(1) -accidentally right in front of a cop
14. Catch a Duck(2) -didn't do this task
15. Catch a Fish(3) -we bought a fish at Pet Smart and Kennedy threw the bag to me and I caught him... We named him Clyde.
16. Entire team doing a handstand in the elevator(2) -the person we had film us was very confused.
17. Picture with stranger bride and groom at their wedding reception(3) -we couldn't find a reception 18. Play a full game of twister in an elevator(2) -interesting place to play twister
19. Eat doughnuts with a cop(3) -we did this with our cop friend that arrested us
20. Plank(1) -entire team planked together
21. Sing Karaoke(2) -so awkward we did this in the middle of the mall with no actual karaoke we just sang loud and proud
22. Fit entire team in one bathroom stall(2) -the boys had to sneak into the women's restroom
23. Get entire team into a hot tub(2) -couldn't find a hot tub
24. Get into a domestic dispute in an IKEA living room(3) -Kennedy and Ryan loudly fought like husband and wife in front of all of the IKEA shoppers
25. Origami boat race(1) -Kennedy's boat won, mine lost:(
26. Fly paper airplanes off the top of a building(1) -flew it off the top of the Gateway mall
27. Do the limbo at a mall(1, 2 if stranger participates) -a whole family played limbo with us.
28. Arm wrestle a stranger(2) -Michael arm wrestled a cook at Smith's grocery store
29. Lemonade stand and sell at least one glass(3) -we sold it for a quarter
30. Run through the fountain at Gateway(1) -we didn't even get wet

Pictures worth one point each -we did them all
1. at a bar with backs to camera
2. team lyinhg dead with coins in their eyes
3. slumber party pillow fight
4. crossing street duck style
5. climbing a chain link fence

After completing all but 6 of the tasks, we met with everyone at Wendy's at 6 p.m. No one was late so there were no automatic disqualifications. Wendy's was a Black Tie event where we all had to dress up in formal wear and have dinner at Wendy's while we compiled our points. Our team WON!!! 52 points, the other teams tied with 44 points.

What a day....

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